How to Measure ROI of Educational Content: 5 Key Metrics for Associations

September 10, 2024
A simple bar graph illustration showing increasing growth. The graph consists of five white bars of increasing height against a blue background. A small flag with a dollar sign is placed on top of the tallest bar, symbolizing financial growth or profit.
Investing in educational content is an essential strategy for associations looking to enhance their workforce's skills and knowledge. However, measuring the return on investment (ROI) of this content can be challenging. To accurately assess the impact and effectiveness of educational programs, it's crucial to consider a range of metrics that provide insight into both quantitative and qualitative outcomes.

This article explores five key metrics that associations should consider when evaluating the ROI of their educational content. By understanding and implementing these metrics, you can ensure that your professional development initiatives deliver tangible value to your members and organization.

1. Learner Engagement

Learner engagement is a critical metric that evaluates how actively participants interact with your educational content. High engagement levels often indicate that the content is relevant and valuable to learners, which is a positive sign of ROI.

Key indicators of learner engagement include:

  • Participation rates
  • Time spent on course materials
  • Completion rates
  • Frequency of logins or access to content
  • Interaction with discussion forums or collaborative tools

Tracking engagement can also help identify areas of the content that may need improvement. For example, if you notice a significant drop-off in engagement at a particular point in a course, it may indicate that the content needs to be revised or presented differently.

2. Learning Outcomes & Competency Gains

Assessing learning outcomes involves evaluating whether learners have achieved the intended objectives of the course. This metric is crucial for determining the effectiveness of your educational content in imparting new knowledge and skills.

Methods to measure learning outcomes and competency gains include:

  • Pre and post-course assessments
  • Quizzes and tests throughout the course
  • Practical exercises or simulations
  • Certification exams
  • Self-assessment surveys

Competency gains reflect the extent to which learners can apply what they've learned in real-world situations, directly impacting job performance and productivity. Consider implementing follow-up assessments several months after course completion to evaluate long-term retention and application of knowledge.

3. Satisfaction & Feedback

Gathering feedback from learners provides valuable insights into their perceptions of the content's quality and relevance. Positive feedback indicates that the content meets learners' needs and contributes to ROI, while constructive criticism can guide future content enhancements.

Tools for collecting satisfaction and feedback data include:

  • Post-course surveys
  • Focus groups
  • One-on-one interviews
  • Online review systems
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) for course recommendations

Use this feedback to continuously improve your educational offerings and ensure they align with your members' evolving needs and expectations.

Need help with collecting learner feedback? Our Learning & Development team is here to assist! Contact us to learn more.

4. Behavioral Changes & Application

This metric focuses on the extent to which learners apply new knowledge and skills in their daily work. The ability to translate learning into practice is a strong indicator of ROI, as it demonstrates that the content is driving tangible improvements.

Methods to assess behavioral changes and application include:

  • Manager observations and reports
  • Performance evaluations
  • Project outcomes and quality improvements
  • Peer feedback
  • Self-reported application of skills

Consider implementing a system for tracking specific instances where learners have applied their new knowledge to solve problems or improve processes within their organizations.

5. Cost-Benefit Analysis

Conducting a cost-benefit analysis involves comparing the costs associated with developing and delivering educational content against the benefits gained. This quantitative approach helps associations determine whether the investment in educational content is yielding a positive financial return.

Factors to consider in your cost-benefit analysis:


  • Content development expenses
  • Technology and platform fees
  • Instructor or facilitator costs
  • Marketing and promotion expenses


  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced errors or mistakes
  • Enhanced employee retention
  • New business opportunities or innovations
  • Improved member satisfaction and loyalty

To calculate ROI, use the formula: ROI = (Net Program Benefits - Program Costs) / Program Costs x 100


Evaluating the ROI of educational content requires a comprehensive approach that considers a variety of metrics. By assessing engagement, learning outcomes, satisfaction, behavioral changes, and cost-benefit analysis, associations can gain a holistic understanding of the value and effectiveness of their educational investments.

Regularly reviewing these metrics not only ensures that educational content delivers a positive ROI but also guides continuous improvement in learning and development strategies. By focusing on these key areas, associations can create more impactful and valuable educational experiences for their members, ultimately driving growth and success for both individuals and the organization as a whole.

Ready to enhance your association's educational offerings and measure their impact? Contact us to learn how we can help you develop and implement effective ROI measurement strategies for your professional development programs.

About the Author

Dr. Kristen Wall, MD, EdD, Director of Learning and Development at Blue Sky eLearn

Dr. Kristen Wall is the Director of Learning and Development at Blue Sky eLearn. Holding a master's and doctorate in Adult Learning, Kristen specializes in bringing effective assessment strategies and qualitative research to enrich the learning programs of Blue Sky eLearn clients.

Starting as a junior high teacher, Kristen's journey led her to higher education, where she empowered countless online adult learners for over 15 years. Her passion for faculty development flourished, providing engaging learning opportunities for over 800 adjunct faculty members teaching 2,600 courses annually.

In 2018, Kristen embraced a new adventure as a consultant, and destiny led her to Blue Sky eLearn, where she now thrives as the Director of Learning and Development. She’s worked with associations in a diverse group of industries, from medicine and healthcare to insurance and state government.

Beyond her professional pursuits, she finds joy in hiking, travel, and detective novels.

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